It is important for us to use total disclosure in order to be honest with ourselves about what needs to be accomplished. It isn't easy to share all of our debts, some might consider it "airing our dirty laundry", but keeping it a secret and pretending it isn't there won't make it go away. So, alas! Here we have it*:
*Please note that this is our starting debt totals. For an updated list of our debts and progress, click here: Current Debt
Credit Cards:
Chase #1 -------------------------------------------- 1,338.89
Chase #2 -------------------------------------------- 1,005.20
Discover #1 ---------------------------------------- 4,509.11
Discover #2 ---------------------------------------- 4,759.00
Capital One ----------------------------------------- 1,419.42
CITI ------------------------------------------------- 4,682.34
TOTAL --------------------------------------------- 17,713.96
School Loans:
OSU ------------------------------------------------- 3,251.75
Direct Loans ---------------------------------------- 14,013.32
Great Lakes #1 ------------------------------------- 9,596.71
Great Lakes #2 ------------------------------------- 3,827.71
TOTAL --------------------------------------------- 30,689.49
Car Loans:
Jeep ------------------------------------------------- 4,894.40
Mini ------------------------------------------------- 12,968.67
TOTAL ---------------------------------------------17,863.07
Sam's Club ------------------------------------------- 175.85
GRAND TOTAL (eeek!) -------------------- 66,442.35